Windows from Prisons USA

My teacher told me about this – Windows from Prisons – this is an amazing project that combines the two things I am passionate about, damn, I wish I had thought of that myself šŸ™‚

In America they really seem to beĀ into their community support prison programs. Of course they’d want to be, with the highest incarceration rate in the world. Nonetheless, the fact that some many ordinary people get behind these project, communicate and connect, that I admire.

Windows From Prison*Ā is an ongoing project that uses photography as a way to connect incarcerated men, women, and teens to their past while creating space and humanistic entry points for students, faculty, NGO’s, family members of incarcerated individuals, former prisoners, and policy makers to engage with the sources, impacts, and alternatives to mass incarceration.

Beginning with creative writing workshops with incarcerated men, women, and teens, the project asks:

ā€œIf you could have window in your cell, what place from your past would it look out to?ā€

TheseĀ responses become photo requests that are collaboratively produced by students, former prisoners, artists, activists, and many others.

Do check them outĀ

And here’s an article in the Guardian with more photos.