Heavy Metal Detector -kävelyt 6.-12.6.

Welcome to experience music from under ground! Heavy Metal Detector is an art project by Steve Maher that presents new and challenging music in a new and challenging way. Heavy Metal Detector takes place as urban walks, where you, through the medium of Metal detecting, will listen to some of the most interesting and diverse metal bands from the Helsinki area. The project uses customised metal detectors which play Metal (musical genre) once they detect Metal (physical substance).

Musiikista vastaavat bändit – The music is created by:
Bloody Heathen / Nuclear Omnicide / Final Assault / Valonkantajat / Brainless People / Kausalgia / Albinö Rhino / Hundred Headless Horsemen / Steel Jungle

M-cult Maunulassa

Tervetuloa kokemaan musiikkia maan alta! Heavy Metal Detector on taideprojekti, joka esittää uutta ja rohkeaa musiikkia uudella ja rohkealla tavalla.

Heavy Metal Detector -kaupunkikävelyt johdattavat sinut, metallinpaljastinteknologian avulla, kuuntelemaan Helsingin seudun kiinnostavinta, monipuolista metallimusiikkia. Varta vasten tuunatut metallinpaljastimet alkavat soittaa metallia (musiikkilaji) havaitessaan metallia (aine).

heavy metal detector

Soittolistasta vastaavat bändit
Bloody Heathen
Nuclear Omnicide
Final Assault
Brainless People
Albinö Rhino
Hundred Headless Horsemen
Steel Jungle

Heavy Metal Detector -kävelyt käynnistyvät 6.6.16 klo 16:00 Pirkkolantie 1:ssä “Lemmy-huoltsikaa” vastapäätä – maunulalaisten Lemmy ja me -muistotapahtuman yhteydessä. Toinen Maunulan kävelypäivä on 10.6., keskustassa hevimetallinpaljastimet voi kokea 8.6. (Ruttopuisto) ja 12.6. (Musiikkitalon edusta).

Varaa ajoissa paikkasi kävelylle allaolevista linkeistä – yhdelle kierrokselle mahtuu kerrallaan vain 7 osallistujaa!

ma 6.6. klo 16-16.45, Pirkkolantie 1, Maunula
ma 6.6. klo 17.15-18, Pirkkolantie 1, Maunula
ke 8.6. klo 16-16.45, Ruttopuisto, Bulevardi
ke 8.6. klo 17.15-18, Ruttopuisto, Bulevardi
pe 10.6. klo 16-16.45, Metsäpurontie 16, Maunula
pe 10.6. klo 17.15-18…

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Patarei Prison, Tallinn, Estonia

In Tallinn we were lucky enough to join the off-season tour of Patarei prison. The stone building opened its doors in 1840 as a sea fortress that included a cannon battery (hence the name: Patarei – Battery). It later served as an army barracks, and, for most of its history, as a notorious Soviet prison. Now the cells is filled by awkward teenagers on a school tour, happy to get lost in the dark and make out. Their giggles added an extra layer of chill to the stories about prisoners taken out from the shower queue in the morning to be shot.









Windows from Prisons USA

My teacher told me about this – Windows from Prisons – this is an amazing project that combines the two things I am passionate about, damn, I wish I had thought of that myself 🙂

In America they really seem to be into their community support prison programs. Of course they’d want to be, with the highest incarceration rate in the world. Nonetheless, the fact that some many ordinary people get behind these project, communicate and connect, that I admire.

Windows From Prison* is an ongoing project that uses photography as a way to connect incarcerated men, women, and teens to their past while creating space and humanistic entry points for students, faculty, NGO’s, family members of incarcerated individuals, former prisoners, and policy makers to engage with the sources, impacts, and alternatives to mass incarceration.

Beginning with creative writing workshops with incarcerated men, women, and teens, the project asks:

“If you could have window in your cell, what place from your past would it look out to?”

These responses become photo requests that are collaboratively produced by students, former prisoners, artists, activists, and many others.

Do check them out http://www.windowsfromprison.com/

And here’s an article in the Guardian with more photos.



Last night I had a lovely time drinking bottles of Karhu in a raggae bar in Kallio with my new friends from Spain. As the conversation went, I was asked what was the best place I ever visited. After thinking for a while I said Tallinn. In November 2014 Steve and I went to visit our friend on her Erasmus year there, and it really was one of the nicest adventures. From the two hour long ferry journey during a storm (hold on to your lunch buffet) to the beautiful little streets of the old town, the close-to-home concrete of Soviet architecture to visiting an old prison (more on that later), to the beautiful people and back to Helsinki on the giant sailing liquor store.




Maailman suurin vankila valmistunut Pietariin


Kresty-2 niminen vankilakompleksi on valmistunut Pietariin. Siinä on 20 000 neliömetriä sellitilaa, suunniteltu ainakin 4000 vangille, mutta luultavasti sinne tullaan sijoittamaan paljon enemmän kuin tuo määrä.upload-03-pic4_zoom-1000x1000-422892722_original 5861006img-4575

Se korvaa vanhan 120 vuotta vanhan Kresty vankilakompleksin:


Joka viimein suljettiin, vanhan iän, rapistumisen ja ylikansoituksen takia. Vankila suunniteltiin alunperin noin 2000 hengelle mutta viime vuosikymmeninä sinne sullottiin peräti 12 000 miestä, kuuden hengen selleihin saatettiin sulloa noin 20 vankia ja heidän piti vuorotella nukkumisessa koska punkkia ei ollut kaikille.


Vanha Kresty tullaan remontoimaan ja palauttamaan joko museoksi tai hotelliksi. Sen tulevaisuus on herättänyt paljon kiinnostusta eri puolilla.

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Josh Begley: “If the U.S. is in the business of warehousing black and brown bodies, I think it’s important to sketch the contours of what that means.”

Prison Photography


I was invited by WIRED to write about Josh Begley‘s work Prison Map. The article is Aerial Photos Expose the American Prison System’s Staggering Scale:

There are some 2.2 million people behind bars in the United States. That’s more people than there are in all of New Mexico. And there are more jails and prisons than colleges and universities in this country. Still, it can be difficult to grasp the scale of incarceration in America, in part because so many of these facilities are tucked away far from view in rural areas.

Prison Map provides a sense of the enormity of it all by giving us a fascinating vantage point from which to view the architecture of incarceration. Begley’s created a vast visual compendium of the nation’s jails and prisons, comprising more than 5,300 aerial images that offer a compelling metaphor for the rapid expansion of the American…

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Performing for babies – a workshop

The Scalattine Teatro: SCATénàTi Unleashed

Anna Fascendini, creator and director of SCATéNàTI Unleashed, researcher of theatre for young children lead a 2-day workshop for actors in Madhouse

Recreating the social action of Children

In the workshop there was spaghetti, coarse salt, tree branches, feathers and chains (we’ll hear more of the chains in a minute). We played with the materials, creating narratives, both individually and in pairs. As there was multiple of one material it was best not do much mixing.The idea was to treat the materials like people, interact with them as if they could talk back.


The important part for me was to learn to  present interaction with accessible materials that are environmental, as well as practice non-verbal communication and spatial awareness exercises.

I went to see the performance later. It  was in two parts – watching the actors interact with the material, dance, communicate, then, through presenting the material to every child in the audience, kids are invited to play.



A part of the works is to make kids understand some spaces that they cannot enter and create boundaries.  For example, to have tape on the floor indicating where there is space for the performance and space for the audience. After the watching part is over, you need to take away the borders, showing that they can now enter the stage. Time and space before and after the show, is carefully planned. The performance has no clear ending to make it stand out, to get into it.The role and actions of the parents are very important factors, as they are the ones controlling the children.

The plays are designed for kids between age of a couple of months and 5 years.The youngest member of the audience on Friday was 6 days old.


Kalasataman taidetalkoot2

This is an update on the park project in Kalasatama. Previous post is here.

After a vote, through facebook and paper form left in a Piggybaggy and City Library community area, the name of the park was decided on – Katiska, a fish trap.

Now for the new additions. The kids from local kindergarten really wanted to come and help with the park, but by the time that was arranged, autumn had arrived. We couldn’t take the 4 and 5 year-olds out on the lashing rain, so we brought the park to them instead. Annika picked up some smaller rocks  and we had a painting session (well, two – one with each age group) and the kids covered the rocks in safe and washable finger paint. As they were painting, we all talked about the park and the kids even taught me some Finnish. Once the rocks were dry, Annika and I varnished them with a weather-resistant paint and brought back to the park, for decoration and also for playing some kind of a Finnish game (I’ll tell you about it once I learn how to play it).

Photo by Annika Niskanen
Photo by Annika Niskanen
Photo by Annika Niskanen
Photo by Annika Niskanen

To get a donation of some used tyres, I contacted various car repair places, addresses of which I found on the official Nokia tyres web page. A lovely guy, who works for one of them, Rengaskeskus,  agreed to donate about 30 tyres for us and even dropped them off to us on his day off. We wanted to use the tyres for sitting, making flower beds and building forts.

Then we held another outdoor painting session. As the temperature was close to zero degrees, only the most hardcore mums and their well wrapped up toddlers took part in the Taidetalkoot (Taide being art, and talkoot – something along the lines of spring clean, a get together of the neighbours to beautify their common areas  and have a bbq afterwards). Nonetheless, this is what we had in the end:

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For Keeps – reading

I just posted a new project on my site, one has been in the works for quite a while. You can see it here.

I feel there is some literature that I have been referencing while working on it. I’d like to share it here.

It is mostly books from late 19th – mid 20th century. They touch on issues of family values, the conflicts of professional and private life, ideas of love.  They are mostly diaries and memoirs.

  1. Sculptor’s Daughter, by Tove Jansson
  2. The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Grey, by Oscar Wilde
  3. Constance. The Tragic and Scandalous Life of Mrs. Oscar Wilde. by Franny Moyle
  4. The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir
  5. Dairies of Sofia Tolstoy, translated by Cathy Porter
  6. Любовь в Жизни Льва Толстого, В. А. Жданов